Saturday, 19 June 2010

Team Building program with UiTM

Assalamualaikum, hope guys are having a blast weekend : )

On the 16th-18th June 2010, Light House Consulting(, was invited as trainer for UiTM Team Building program which was held at UiTM Campus at Kuala Terengganu. It was organized by Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying,
(FSPU) UiTM Shah Alam. It was attended by all level of management in the Faculty which is from the Dean him self down to all the support staffs including the lecturers and professors. The number of participants was about 60 pax. Though is was quiet a big number, but alhamdullillah we manage to complete the whole session effectively.

The program focuses on enhancing the team work among the staff and also structuring an effective planning to achieve the faculty strategic goals. The program module that was delivered during the program is SCORE. The module basically touch on four main issues which are Strategy, Communication, One team, Respect and Energetic. First, they have to setup their own strategy to achieve the goals. Than, communicate the strategy to all staff and make sure they understand it clearly. Next, in order to successfully achieve the goals, it requires a team effort from all staff which is build on two main foundation namely respect and energetic.

Throughout the three days and two nights, we all were having a really good and enjoyable time. The participant were really cooperative and highly energetic including the dean and all other professors. I personally salute them for their willingness to be at par with all other participant regardless of their positions. I even manage to build rappo with several professors there. I still remember as what the Dean said during his closing speech, "we come as an individual but we go home as a big family".

On behalf of Light House Consulting, I would like to express my gratitude to UiTM, Shah Alam for the excellence cooperation throughout the program. Hope we all could meet again.

Thumbs up for FSPU, UiTM, Shah Alam!!

Best Regards,

p/s: I will upload the photos soon : )


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