Saturday 6 August 2011

Leadership - Part 3: Deciding

     One of the most important core values of a great leader is decision making. Most leaders fail to decide because they do not know how to decide. Should I use only my opinion? Or should consult with others first? Or is it better to let everyone decides? These are common dilemmas faced by leaders as they are in constant worry that their personality and the organization led are in jeopardy as the result of their decision. The safest way, they always let their people choose. But, is that always right? Leaders are only celebrated and respected by their underlings only when they show sterling decision making skill.
     In making decision, there are 3C’s that leaders can consider to utilize.
  1. Command –is related to the use of veto power by leaders in making decision. Although command or veto is always interpreted as negative, but it is eminent for leaders to use his veto power in some situation. For example, in a situation that needs urgent assertion, leaders are encourage to use his veto as calling for meeting with his committees is time wasting. Besides, when veto is used wisely, a leader will be respected by his subordinates as he is seen as a very decisive and thoughtful leader.
  2. Consultative – is when leaders consult their members before he announces the decision. When an issue needs solution, he will consult his underlings to seek their opinions as to supplement his decision making. Positively, consultative will build the image of an appreciative leader as you always take into account their opinions before you make decision. 
  3. Consensus – is the safest way yet the most harmful for leaders. Leaders will let the members decide by casting votes or open discussion. Simply “they decide” not “I decide”. The task of the leader is only to clarify the situation or issue, then open voting among members to find the final solution. But, using too much of consensus in decision making will affect your reputation as leaders will be seen not decisive and creative in devising solutions.
     A great leader will not only stick to one style of making decision. Sometimes leaders have to use their veto to portray their decisiveness. There are situations that leaders are respected by their subordinates when they use their veto. It builds charisma, and trust will centre on you to lead the organization. Too much of it, you will frustrate them. 
     Consulting your members by asking their point of views also is progressive in building the charisma and team spirit, but when the leader consulted his members every time, it will project that the leader is either unknowledgeable or unskillful. Consensus in one way to build harmony as the members have the opportunity to make their voice heard, but consenting too much is hazardous to your reputation. Your task, determine which C is appropriate based on the situation and issue highlighted.

     Therefore, leaders out there, make your decision wisely as it will not only determine the direction of your organization, but also your direction in the organization, either saluted or dejected. A great decision will lead your organization to greatness, so, be a great decision maker!

Hustle up and be GREAT!
Salam transformasi daripada,


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